EBook And Audiobook FAQ

EBook And Audiobook FAQ

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A Natural Woman: A Memoir

About the audiobook and eBook editions of A Natural Woman: A Memoir by Carole King

Audiobook includes:

The unabridged book read by Carole King on 12 compact discs. A PDF of 41 photos, snippets of an original piano piece, a cappella performances, and a video conversation with the author. Length is 14 hours and 13 minutes.

Regular e-Book includes:

Complete text and photos from the printed hardcover edition. 41 photos total.

Enhanced e-book includes:

The photos from the printed hardcover edition plus 60 additional photos exclusive to the enhanced e-book. 101 photos total. Audio files with snippets of the songs “Pleasant Valley Sunday” and “A Natural Woman” both from Carole’s Legendary Demos album. Video of Carole in the recording studio reading for the audiobook.

Where to buy:

The audiobook is available wherever audiobooks are sold.

The regular e-book is available wherever e-books are sold.

Enhanced editions can only be purchased on the iBookstore (Apple), Barnes & Noble Nook Store, and Amazon’s Kindle store.

When visiting Amazon, click on the plus (+) symbol under the “Kindle Edition.” This will expand other digital formats. Amazon refers to enhanced editions as “Kindle Edition with Audio/Video.” NOTE: The enhanced will work only with the Kindle App on iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Nook Color.

When visiting the BN Nook Store, type in “enhanced edition” after the title in the search box, e.g. A NATURAL WOMAN: A MEMOIR ENHANCED EDITION. Click on the enhanced edition that appears in the quick results window.

When visiting Apple’s iBookstore, both editions will show up in the search results after you type in the title. The enhanced edition will be identified by “enhanced edition” in parentheses after the title, e.g. A NATURAL WOMAN: A MEMOIR (Enhanced Edition).

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long is the video on the enhanced edition? 00:05:44 (five minutes and 44 seconds)

How many more pictures are available on the enhanced vs. the print, regular e-book and audiobook? The print, audiobook and regular e-book have the same 41 photos. There are 60 additional photos that are exclusive to the enhanced e-book, meaning the enhanced e-book has 101 photos total.

Will the media on the enhanced work with the Kindle App on my device? The enhanced will work with the Kindle App on iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Nook Color.

Will the enhanced work on the basic Kindle or Kindle Fire? No. The enhanced is not compatible with the Kindle Fire or basic Kindle Reader.

If I purchase the e-book on the NOOK is it automatically the enhanced or can I get the regular e-book on the Nook? No, it is not automatically enhanced. Both the regular edition e-book and the enhanced e-book are available for sale at Barnes & Noble. The enhanced e-book costs more.