
Carole King Joins Reps. Maloney and Shays in Support of the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act

Carole King Joins Reps. Maloney and Shays in Support of the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act

Washington, DC - Carole King joined Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Christopher Shays (R-CT) on Friday, April 20, 2007, to announce the introduction of the bipartisan Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (H.R. 1975). NREPA will designate all of the inventoried roadless areas in the Northern Rockies as wilderness, protect some of America's most beautiful and ecologically important lands while saving taxpayers money and creating jobs.

"Many of America's most precious natural resources and wildlife are found in the Northern Rockies," said Rep. Maloney. "NREPA has always been ahead of its time by drawing wilderness boundaries according to science, not politics. NREPA would also help mitigate the effects of global warming by protecting the corridors through which vulnerable wildlife can migrate to cooler areas." Rep. Shays added, "The Northern Rocky Mountains are one of America's great wilderness preserves - a living treasure, and home to a critical component of the continent's ecosystem. It is imperative we preserve and protect our environment. We simply will not have a world to live in if we continue our neglectful ways."

"The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act protects public land owned by all Americans and saves taxpayers money. Its time has come," stated Carole King.

Here's what you can do to help:
Contact your representative and ask them to support NREPA (H.R. 3334 in the 112th Congress).

For more information about NREPA, please visit,

To read the text of NREPA click here.