Help Save America's Wild Horses

This cause means alot to me, personally. Please take action.
Unfortunately, the threat of more roundups continues in 2012.
Learn more about how you can lend your voice to speak out against BLM roundups by visiting the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign.
In July 2009, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) helicopters descended on the remote and austere Challis Mountains in Idaho. Their mission: to stampede and capture 366 federally-protected wild horses who had been living peacefully in this 160,000 public lands area. During the roundup, 11 horses were killed, several foals were orphaned, and 225 horses were permanently removed from the range and shipped to destinations unknown, their freedom and families gone forever.
But for 21 horses from the Challis herd there remained a thread of hope. Learn more about the great work by the folks at Return to Freedom.
A stunning slide-show of the beautiful "wild ones", as they are referred to by photographer Elissa Kline, appear in this video performance of "Way Over Yonder" during the Troubadour Reunion tour in 2010. The photos were taken while the wild ones were living free on the land, prior to the devastating roundup in July 2009.